What To Look Out For In a Home Inspection

What To Look Out For In a Home Inspection

There are times when you are looking for your dream house and you visit many houses on your real estate agent’s recommendations. You will like some of them and you will dislike the rest of them. However, when you finally succeed in finding your dream house after a lot of search, it feels like a victory. When your offer is accepted by the homeowner, it becomes a cause of celebration. But you should not rush the purchase of the property unless it is thoroughly inspected and cleared by the home inspector.
Professional Home Inspection services are available and you can hire their services before finalizing the contract with the homeowner. The professional will inspect the property and report about the leaking pipes, mold growth, electricity issues, gas issues, water issues and other bigger issues. These tips will help you in inspecting and understanding the deep roots of a house.

A Clean Tank Usage

There are houses which are heated using an oil tank or with gas. If there is an oil tank in the basement or above the ground but it is not being used then you should get it inspected. Some tanks can leak and cause a mess. Cleaning up the mess caused by an oil tank is a hassle and stir an undesired situation. The property should be inspected thoroughly as some homes have more than one oil tank.

A Working HVAC System

If your dream home comes with a HVAC system, then it should be thoroughly inspected as well. Make sure that the HVAC system is working properly. Regardless of the weather, check both the cooling and heating systems. Home inspectors also inform you about the AC condenser and how long it should last.

Roofing System

Roof is also a major factor affecting the home purchase decision. Discuss the home insurance, roof insurance issues with the homeowner and confirm the age of the roof.

Drainage System

Water drainage system is another important system which can cause potential damage to the foundation. If home inspection confirms that water is pooling in some of the areas or in the vicinity of the house then it raises a red flag. Home inspectors can identify the water damage in the external environment. However, the damage of leaking pipes within the walls is harder to be detected. For such issues, Best Home Inspection service provider uses infrared camera to detect the damage within the walls.

Electricity & Gas System

The electricity and gas systems should also be tested and wiring should be checked properly. If possible, replace the electricity wires as old wires can overheat and catch fire as these wires are above ground. New houses have underground wiring system which saves the wires from overheating and severe weather.


Apart from the mentioned important issues, you should also inquire the home inspector about the subfloors, tile quality, carpet condition, wallpapers condition, the window and door frames strength and durability, ventilation system and any sign of potential problems. Everything should be given its proper attention.


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